Law Firm Foleanu Paul Florin is a law firm established under Law no. 51/1995, republished, for the organization and pursuit of the profession of lawyer. The attorney-at-law, Foleanu Paul Florin is a member of Tulcea Bar, since 2010, and carries out his professional activity within the Constanta Court of Appeal and Bucharest Court of Appeal.
Our team, consisting of legal and economic experts recognized by renowned professional organizations in Romania, helps you overcome the unpleasant situations that may arise in your company’s economic activity. You can trust us if:
Our clients have at their disposal a complete package of quality legal services, including both assistance and representation in court, as well as legal advice.
Our goal is to combine specialized knowledge, offering a firm commitment, commitment, dedication and commitment to achieving the highest standards in the areas of practice in which we operate.
The length of a trial can be estimated depending on its subject, the home or location of the client and its opponent, the complexity of the evidence to be administered. Generally, the average duration of a procedural phase is between 8-16 months. The trial phase means the time past the date of the filing of the petition to the court and until the date of the judgment.
If the client collaborates with his lawyer and provides him with the necessary evidence to convince the court that he is right, the chances of success are maximum. In a process from our point of view, there are no winners and the defeated only makes a court decision that conscientiously establishes the situation.
The payment terms of the lawyer’s fee are mentioned in the contract concluded with him. From our office there is the flexibility to pay the fee according to the client’s possibilities.
The client’s sincerity towards the lawyer can turn into a weapon that can be reduced to the courts against opponents. The lawyer is bound to respect confidentiality in the relationship with the client. The lawyer can not be heard in court as a witness against a client.
The lawyer can issue a transaction in accordance with the will of the parties, this transaction will be filed in the court, which by decision will consiste the ones enrolled in the transaction.
Avem o colaborare permanenta cu rezultate de exceptie prin avocatul Foleanu Paul Florin. Da dovada de promptitudine si flexibilitate in relatia cu societatea noastra.
In anii de colaborare cu avocatul Foleanu Paul-Florin, societatea noastra a fost reprezentata cu succes in toate litigiile comerciale, penale si de munca. Suntem deplin multumumiti de relatia profesionala si consideram ca am obtinut ceea ce ne-am dorit.
Ii multumesc din suflet domnului avocat Foleanu Paul-Florin pentru ca a reusit sa imi castige procesul de revendicare a proprietatilor detinute de parintii mei. Nu mai speram dupa atatia ani sa reusesc sa obtin aceasta reparatie cu valoare sentimentala.
Law is the profession I practice with pleasure and satisfaction so every victory I get for my clients in court mobilizes me and loads me positively.
My clients generally earn not only a process but also a lifetime friendship relationship. In the years since graduating from the faculty, to this day, I have gained a wide range of professional and life experience that I have at my disposal for those who require my services.
You can contact us using the contact form below.
Or you can find us at the mailing address and phone numbers below.